Compensation and Benefits Metrics Exclusive to ASOA Members
Now Available!
Whether you need help recruiting top talent, retaining valued employees, or determining fair market value compensation, ASOA’s compensation survey will deliver meaningful comparisons to help guide strategic planning. Tmely and reliable compensation and benefits data is now available to help guide your practice in order to stay competitive in today’s labor market. This customizable benchmarking survey is exclusively available to ASOA member practices, and free for Premier members. Note: To protect sensitive practice data, ASOA is only allowing one Premier member per practice access to enter and review survey results.
CLICK HERE to view a list of ophthalmic specific positions available for comparison.
Why participate?
- Ophthalmic specific data! This survey compiles information on salary and benefit metrics specific to 40 ophthalmic practice roles, providing valuable data that can help inform and refine your employee recruitment and retention plan.
- Avoid costly turnover! Conducting annual comparisons helps practices identify opportunities to competitively position themselves and retain valuable team members.
- Customizable filters! Through multiple categories, such as practice size, specialty, and location, ASOA survey participants will be able to analyze relevant data needed to make important salary and benefit decisions.
What metrics are available?
Participating practices will have access to track ophthalmic-specific compensation and benefit trends, and anonymously identify how their practice compares to similar practices and position themselves for future success.
Datapoints that are collected and reported include:
- Annual Salary Rates
- Bonus Structures and Amounts
- Information on bonus eligibility and payouts by position
- PTO Days Granted Per Year
- Details on vacation, sick, and personal days offered
- 401(k) & 403(b) Options
- Plan details including match percentages
- Data on any wellness benefits offered to employees
- And so much more!
With data-driven insights comparing your current pay rates and benefits packages with other practices employing the same roles, you can purposefully evaluate your compensation structure and overall benefits strategy.
Is my data secure?
Only Premier ASOA members identified as the Practice Account Owner will be able to enter and view the deidentified data for the practice. Practices providing data will be kept confidential and anonymous and will not be able to be identified by other users. This ensures that sensitive compensation information remains protected while still allowing valuable benchmarking comparisons.
The data is pooled across respondents and structured so that only anonymous, aggregated statistics can be viewed. No practice's individual responses can be seen by any other participant.
How do I access the compensation survey?
The survey is only accessible by ASOA Premier members. Once practices input required data, ASOA Premier members will receive automatic access to the survey results at no additional cost as part of their membership benefits. Not a Premier member? You can join or upgrade your membership level today by emailing your name and member ID (if known) to [email protected] and an ASOA team member will get back with you within 24-48 business hours.
Ready to get started?
Step 1: Login
- Click on the survey link and ensure that you are able to log in and access the survey. It is much easier for us to troubleshoot login issues as soon as possible to maximize your time for data entry.
- Click on the download icon to download the full list of all the questions asked in the survey. You can share the spreadsheet with others if you need to work with staff to help collect the data to be entered. This will be helpful in understanding what data will be collected.
- Click on the practice position descriptions on the Compensation By Position page to download the job descriptions for each position collected in the survey. This will help you determine which roles in your practice correspond to the titles/descriptions listed.
Step 2: Enter Practice Details
- Click on the Profile link to complete your practice’s profile (things like region, size, specialty, etc).
- Click on the Benefits link to share information about PTO, wellness programs, retirement plans, etc.
Step 3: Data Entry
- This is where you will spend the bulk of your time as you complete each survey for all relevant positions in your practice. Try to allocate uninterrupted time to enter this data to ensure accuracy and quickest completion. As a reminder, compensation and benefit data entered should be for the 2023 calendar year.
Once data collection is complete and all necessary fields are completed, you'll get access to anonymized results showing how your practice compares. However, in order to protect your practice’s anonymity, reports will not be available until a statistically significant number of practices have input their data. By participating, you contribute to building a robust data set that provides valuable insights into compensation trends specific to ophthalmology. The more practices that take part, the more meaningful the benchmarks. Thank you in advance for contributing to advancing our industry.
Have additional questions? Email [email protected].